
Insights from the Refresher Training Delivered in Namibia

Under the project titled "Knowledge Centers for Organic Agriculture" (KCOA), financed by BMZ and mandated by GIZ, IFOAM - Organics International, along with local partners, namely the Sustainability Institute (SI) and the Namibian Organic Association (NOA), organised and delivered a Refresher Training in the Knowledge Hub in Southern Africa (KHSA), specifically in Windhoek, Namibia.

The training's main objective was to once again gather Master Trainers (MTs), create a sense of belonging and community, and "refresh" the technical content. It also aimed to explain training methodologies and how to deliver effective and successful training, which would assist MTs in supporting Multiplier’s trainings and training multipliers.

The two-day Refresher Training took place at Moonraker, Windhoek, Namibia, from 24-25 November 2023. The training was conducted by Patricia Flores, Senior Global Academy Manager at IFOAM - Organics International, and co-trainers, including Mareike Voigts, Kanangwa Newlove, and Flavia De Marchis, Project Coordinator for the KCOA Project at IFOAM - Organics International.

This training is one of the two Refresher Trainings that will be delivered in the KHSA. The next training was conducted in Zambia by Kanangwa Newlove.

Among the activities of the Refresher Training, a farm visit to the Moonraker farm was organised.