
In Memory of Vanaja Ramprasad

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Vanaja Ramprasad who died on 26 September 2022. 

Vanaja has a background in human nutrition, biochemistry and health management, but is most known for the incredible work she did with women farmers and traditional landraces. 

Her many years of work has been with marginalised farmers, especially women farmers, which she did through the Genetic Resource Ecology Energy and Nutrition Foundation (GREEN Foundation), an organisation that she founded.

Her work through the GREEN Foundation contributed to the establishment of seed networks among farmers in the dry land regions of Karnataka and restoring agricultural biodiversity in these areas.

She was also a former World Board Member of IFOAM - Organics International and was in the expert committee on agro-diversity in the National Biodiversity Authority. Furthermore, she authored the book, "Living on the Edge - Women, Agrobiodiversity and Livelihoods" and was a lead author in International Assessment of Agricultural Science & Technology for Development (IAASTD).

She passed away leaving behind a rich legacy of very important work, and we pay our heartfelt tributes to her.