
Boosting Finance in Agroecology to Achieve Rio Conventions’ Targets

On 25 October, this in-person event took place from 8:30 to 9:45 AM CET at the FAO Red Room. This session revolved around the growing recognition of agroecological approaches as powerful tools to address the significant challenges faced by contemporary agricultural and food systems. It emphasised that increasing financial support for agroecology could significantly expedite the transformations required to achieve the targets set forth in the Rio Conventions, particularly in the areas of climate, biodiversity, and desertification.

Watch the event here!

During the session, the following key topics were discussed:

  1. How synergistic implementation through agroecology led to better outcomes, more coherence, increased investments, and reduced costs in implementing Rio Conventions’ targets.
  2. How varied funding strategies could be aligned and coordinated to boost investments in agroecology and accelerate food systems transformation.
  3. A methodological tool to track how much projects, programmes or portfolios of projects contribute to agroecological transformations, based on the 13 principles of agroecology.