When it comes to biodiversity in nature, Africa is a continent that embraces it all. From the variety in soils, animals, and plants, to the climate and cultures, the continent's wealth in biodiversity is undeniable. With it being largely an agricultural continent where about 70% of the population is employed within the sector, Africa has a long history in organic and agro-ecological farming practices.
Organic farming takes two forms in Africa: certified and uncertified. Only 0.2% of organic agricultural land may be certified in Africa, however, most of the organic farmers are not certified. A big number of the certified farmers aim towards exporting their products, while the non-certified organic farmers farm subsistently or with the aim of selling their produce from home.
In Africa, certification is expensive but also not required by all. The farmers are able to sell their organic produce informally without needing certification. To ensure that the Principles of Organic Agriculture are upheld in such an instance, IFOAM – Organics International supports organic farmers by building local markets and promoting Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS).
We also carry out capacity building for farmers, organizations, and institutions working in organics through the Organic Academy to support governments in creating better organic frameworks, improve farmers’ livelihoods and sustainable organic approaches.

Ecological Organic Agriculture Leadership Course (EOALC) in Africa
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Organic Markets for Development (OM4D)
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Projet de Renforcement Organisationnel du Bio au Sénégal - PROBio
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IFOAM Southern African Network
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High-level Ecological Organic Agriculture Know-How of Leaders in Africa
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Visit our Membership Directory to Meet our Members in Africa
Our members are diversified, from Morocco to Madagascar we are represented by NGOs, companies, farmers’ organizations, universities, governments and certification bodies.