We approach the uptake of truly sustainable organic agriculture
through a multi-layered, concerted series of measures.
How we make it happen
We approach the uptake of truly sustainable organic agriculture through a multi-layered, concerted series of measures. We train a new generation of leaders, promote alternative organic guarantee systems, support a vast network of cross-sector and regional bodies, empower smallholders through our projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and advocate our messages to global decision-making fora.
Why work with us
We are a flexible and agile project initiator and implementer. We identify potential projects that serve the greater uptake of organic and, together with our partners, ensure their effective implementation.
Over 820 million people are hungry and 155 million children are stunted
We employ a multi-dimensional set of measures to promote Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security. By tackling its human, social and economic aspects, we are committed to support the most burdened and marginalized to improve their livelihoods and food availability through tailored solutions that produce an efficient and sustainable impact.
Women own less than 20% of the world’s land
But they make up 70% of the agricultural labor in developing countries. While acknowledging the complexity of gender roles, we are integrating gender considerations throughout our projects to empower women to have better access to resources.
Our Ongoing Projects

Organic Agriculture Policy-Implementation Support and Capacity Building in the Kyrgyz Republic
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Regional Training of Teams of Trainers (ToToT) in North Africa
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Training of Teams of Facilitators, the ToToF in East Africa
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Building Sustainable Food Systems and Capacity for Organic Agriculture Development (BOKK II)
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Training of Teams of Trainers (ToToT) in Southern Africa
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Training of Teams of Trainers (ToToT) in West Africa
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