
Second Webinar on the New EU Organic Regulation: Key Changes for Organic Producer Groups

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IFOAM - Organics International together with FIBL, IFOAM – Organics Europe, and leading experts in the field are developing guidance to explain the implications of the new EU Organic Regulation for producer groups worldwide.

This second webinar hosted by IFOAM - Organics International summarised the fundamental changes for a certified group’s composition, size, and legal set-up. It also provided an overview of the new Internal Control Systems (ICS) requirements and the organic production rules applicable to producer groups in countries outside the EU.

The webinar took place on Thursday 27 June, 15:00 - 17:00 CEST in English and was moderated by Vladyslav Zhmailo and Sara Anselmi, Policy and Guarantee Coordinators from IFOAM - Organics International. The webinar was presented on Zoom by Florentine Meinshausen, Project Manager, Department of International Cooperation.

The new EU Regulation for organic farming and related secondary legislation re-defines the applicable rules for the thousands of certified organic smallholder groups worldwide. The new requirements will require substantial changes to current practices by groups as well as control bodies in the Global South. Additionally, farmers and certification bodies both in the Global South and North experience big challenges in the interpretation of the EU regulation. To address these challenges, IFOAM - Organics International decided to take a leading role and organise together with FIBL several webinars about the Key Changes of EU regulation for Organic Producer Groups.

  • Introduction to new EU organic regulation
  • Brief summary of key changes: Legal entity, composition and size of the group
  • Brief summary of key changes: External Control of Groups
  • Overview of the new ICS requirements
  • Overview of organic production rules for groups in third countries
  • IFOAM - Organics International's and FIBL's project work in group certification

This webinar is held within the Organic Trade 4 Development in Eastern Europe (OT4D) project, which is financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO,


EU Organic Regulation Guide Online Now – Cheaper for members

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